NBC Ghana


NBC has an established Actuarial team that provides a full range of Actuarial Services for retirement funds.

These include:

  • Performing statutory or ad hoc actuarial valuations
  • Performing non-life reserving valuations
  • Actuarial advice on benefit design, investment strategies, etc.
  • Calculation of member values and assistance with legislative issues
  • Analysis of the impact of change in contribution rates and changes in benefit structures
  • Asset and liability modeling

We provide commercial, financial, and prudential advice on the management of assets and liabilities, especially where long-term management and planning are critical factors. We advise each client individually according to their specific needs. We have considerable experience in market trends and legislative frameworks for various regions in Africa.

Our actuarial team focuses primarily on the reconciliation of valuation data and the valuation of assets.

Our actuarial personnel is uniquely qualified to communicate complex actuarial principles to many different role players, from Trustees to Members.

Our actuarial services include: –

  • Annual valuations, inclusive of the final interest allocation to member credits;
  • Determination of the monthly interest allocation to member credits;
  • Annual pension increases proposals;
  • Individual member benefit calculations;
  • Certifying the correctness of the rules and rule amendments, and assisting in the drafting of Rules where required;
  • Giving recommendations and comments on the benefit design of the fund, considering the financial status of the fund, the expectations of members.
  • Attending trustee meetings as and when required;
  • Possible assistance in the calculation of benefits by providing calculation sheets, programs, and tables.
  • Our actuarial consulting team makes extensive use of technology to fulfill their responsibilities. NBC makes use of proprietary and in-house developed software to analyze, prepare and present actuarial data.