NBC Ghana



NBC GHANA TRUST offers a full range of retirement and other benefit consulting services to complement the Fund administration function. These services include:

NBC GHANA TRUST distinguishes its benefit design services by ensuring that benefit programmes fit together with the corresponding human resource programmes in supporting your organisations’ business objectives. At NBC GHANA TRUST, we believe that benefit provision should be aligned to the organisation’s business strategy. An appropriately designed and communicated programme will add significant value to an organization by promoting and supporting the skills and behaviour required of employees. Our benefit design services include determining:

  • The role of benefits;
  • The objectives for benefit provision;
  • Benefit provisions that meet corporate objectives and employee needs;
  • Designs that incorporate cost control mechanisms;

We have significant experience in designing and implementing all types of retirement, income, capital accumulation, health and welfare and other benefit programmes. We conduct regular reviews and analysis of benefit levels and benefit design in relation to local trends, international trends, and your specific requirements.

As part of our consulting services, we provide a comprehensive communication design programme. As a fore-runner in member-driven communication, we understand that the complexities of retirement fund administration require unique communication initiatives. In designing communication programmes, we are acutely aware of the fact that complex issues need to be simplified; that changes in Fund structure directly affecting membership must be understood and appreciated and that in order to achieve this objective, a unique, thorough and effective communication programme must be implemented. When designing and implementing communication programmes, NBC GHANA TRUST will: –

  • Research employee perceptions and gaps in understanding
  • Develop appropriate communication channels and media
  • Advise on managing the dissemination of information
  • Train key communicators within the client organisation
  • Provide project management services
  • Train Trustees on a regular basis
  • Insured benefit services
  • Trustee Training
  • Communication with the Authority on behalf of Clients
  • Retirement Planning Advisory

Professional consulting serves to ensure the financial protection of the fund, whilst providing value and secure benefits for members.


In a rapidly changing environment, our continued success as employee benefits consultants results from the clear objectives we set in advising clients, namely:

  • To control costs;
  • To act as problem solvers;
  • To be innovators;
  • To meet our client’s needs within a framework of quality and service.

We believe in pro-active rather than re-active consulting that ensures financial protection for the Fund and the employers, whilst providing value and secure benefits for employees. Our approach to general consulting will be to work as a team with you. We place considerable importance on learning about your needs and concerns with the aim of helping you establish financial objectives and solutions for your Funds that reinforce your overall financial objectives and meet your needs. We do not develop standard “packaged solutions”.

Each client is treated individually and advised according to specific needs. By using our experience of the market, our innovative people and clearly defined procedures, we can suggest solutions appropriate to those needs