NBC Ghana


NBC GHANA TRUST provides professional, cost-effective, and service-driven retirement fund administration utilizing the right people, the best systems, documented procedures, and transparent communications. NBC GHANA TRUST Fund Administration Services administers a wide range of retirement fund types, including defined contribution funds, defined benefit funds, and hybrid Funds.

Through proven, tested policies and procedures, we strive to ensure that quality of service is always maintained. We also subscribe to a philosophy of continual assessment and improvement. Our fund administration services allow clients to interact at levels appropriate to their unique requirements and environment. Where possible, we allow all stakeholders, including trustees, employer representatives, members, and union officials appropriate access to member records through our online services portal; NBC GHANA TRUST -LAND.

We understand that Ghanaians may not have access to the internet and as such we make provision for SMS communication and personal interface with our customer support team at all our offices. Funds are administered on a ‘dedicated team’ basis where each client is allocated a team of administrators who are led by an administration manager, the principal point of contact for any administration queries.

NBC GHANA TRUST uses a state-of-the-art Fund Administration system (RFAS) designed for the pensions industry by a team of experts, including Actuaries, Fund Administrators, Chartered Accountants, and IT Consultants.

The RFAS System has the following key features and advantages:

  • Flexible Investment Options. The system can manage different member investment options (within criteria defined and approved by the Pensions Regulator and Fund’s Trustees). There is the option to build Life-Stage Modeling into the benefit structure to cater to the different interests of old and young members.
  • Workflow-Driven. Workflows and automatic escalation of issues to supervision help in monitoring service delivery to standards agreed with clients.
  • Password-controlled internet access for trustees, members, and the HR departments of participating employers.


The retirement planning seminars will offer just the right amount of education and information to anyone interested in learning more about the retirement planning process and investment management.

The seminars cover a variety of topics from retirement planning, understanding your pension plan options, to managing investment risk and hiring a financial advisor.

This workshop is NOT a sales presentation on our company. It is an interactive session designed to answer contributors’ questions and provide information and analysis regarding the retirement planning process.


If you require assistance on the implementation of the provisions of the National Pensions
Act, 2008 (Act 766) as an Employer, including staff training packages please contact:

Joana Kisseadoo
(+233) (57) 972 2899

Ivan Smith Bentum
(+233) 26 608 6031